Welcome! My name is Bob Lincoln, and my uncle and namesake, Lt. j.g. Bob Lincoln, served on the U.S.S. Allentown during WWII. Many people may not realize that during the war, the Coast Guard was utilized overseas in combat arenas. The "Amazing A", as her crew called her, was assigned to the area around Leyte Gulf and the Philippines in 1944, and although was not in the worst of the action, did come under fire quite a bit, and had numerous threats from enemy aircraft, surface ships and submarines.
This was a particularly trying time for all the men, and especially for my uncle. Only married for 2 years, away from his infant daughter, and he was halfway around the globe for much of her first 2 years. As the father of a young daughter myself, I can only imagine how difficult that must have been, how much he missed his family, and how he treasured every letter from them.
My uncle passed away in August of 1987. Sometime after this, I learned from my aunt Joan that the men and their families had had reunions since about 1960, and that a book had been compiled in 3-ring binder format with ship's log entries, stories, biographies and reunion info. She offered me this book, but I felt it should go to my cousins, as it represented their dad's service to his country.
Years later I regretted not copying the book for myself, and I searched the internet until I came in contact with Steve Berry, son-in-law of George Bauer, a crew member. Steve was kind enough to send me a copy of the book, which was written in large part by Jim Godlesky. With their permission, I have scanned the book in its original format and posted it on this site, in manageable-sized sections. It's a fascinating read, and captures so well the anxieties, the humor, the stress and the cameraderie of the crew of a ship that clearly earned the fitting name of "The Amazing A".
This site is my personal attempt to honor these men, their families and the country they helped save, with the content that I have been able to find. Any and all contributions of pictures, stories, guestbook entries are welcome and will be posted, if you email me at Thank you.
Bob Lincoln
Taunton, MA